General Cargo Import and Export Flows
Importer and Exporter can be represented by appointed custom broker ( Forwarding agent) .
Malaysia customs regulation . Only 3 custom brokers were allowed to be appointed at any one time and valid for 6 months.
The Import flows start upon cargoes discharged from vessel into Port Free Zone area
i) Manifesting . Shipping operator or the carrier of the goods will submit cargo information (K4 customs form) for import and produce Delivery Order- DO
ii) Importer will surrender BL for exchange of DO
iii) Importer proceed custom clearance with custom form K1(foreign import),K3(within Malaysia) or K8 ( Bonded or Free Zone delivery)
iv) Importer submit custom approved form and DO to Terminal Operator CIS (central invoicing section) CIS process, raise charges and release Gate Pass ( containerize) .
v) For loose cargo , Importer proceed to warehouse. Terminal operator release cargoes and Gate Pass to Importer
v) Containerize Importer submit Gate pass and ROT (Request of Transport ) to Haulier Company
vi) Haulier send request for delivery to Terminal Operator via Terminal Operators link system.
vii) Haulier pick up container
viii) Free Zone Gate custom sight Gate Pass and custom approved form before release cargoes to exit.
The Export flow start when cargoes confirmed to enter Port Free Zone area .
i) Exporter upon products ready for export
a) Container shipment - Exporter submit Consignment Note (CN) to haulier
1a) Haulier will pick up empty container for stuffing from depot to export premise.
2a) Haulier will compute time and made booking and register container number with terminal operator system
b) Less container load ( Loose cargo) Exporter to obtain Container Shipping Note from Container operator and prepare lorry chit to deliver cargo to CFS ( Container freight station)
c) Conventional - confirmation of port opening (earliest date cargo can be accepted into Port store) .Prepare integrated export document (IED), custom form K2 , K3 or K8 ,packing list , lorry chit and obtain Integrated shipping document (ISD) from shipping agent
ii) Haulier presents CN while LCL and Conventional lorry presents lorry chit to customs at FCZ Gate to enter Port FCZ area
iii) Container will be received in stack , Loose cargo receive in Shed, while Conventional cargo, exporter need to submit packing list to CIS for approval and obtain location for cargo receival. Document IED will be depatch with cargo to allocated location and upon received , all details recorded in IED depatch to CIS.
iv) Exporter submit customs form K2, K3 or K8 and CN ,CSN or ISD to obtain export clearance from customs
v) Exporter submits CN, CSN or ISD to CIS for billing .Upon this ,
a) Container will be planned to load on nominated vessel
b) Loose cargo , the consolidator will nominate container for stuffing and prepare container packing list . Submit CMO and CN to Container operator . The CFS will then stuff the loose cargo consolidated into container as per container packing list and endorse it.
c) Conventional , CIS transfer ISD to Wharf . Terminal Operator load cargoes onto vessel and record ISD. ISD will be later depatch back to CIS to match with IED for billing.
vi) BL will be then issued and export manifest K4 will be declared by the shipping agent or the consolidator.
Notes for non general goods.
i)All Dangerous Goods must obtain approval from Dangerous Good Department , KPA
ii) Import or export permit required category such as live plant, perishable,ocean produce, wild life, pharmaceutical produce and etc , are most important to first obtain approval permit before importing or exporting proceeding. Information of permit required items can be found in custom tariff. Or Malaysia customs web.
Below is Flow for LCL export /import

Legend Export Flow
1) LCL : Lesser than Container load
2) LC : Letter of Credit
3) PIA : Permit Issuing Agencies
4) SA: Shipping Agent
5) FF : Freight Forwarder
6) CFS: Container Freight Station
7) SMK: Sistem Maklumat Kastam
8) OBL : Ocean Bill of Lading
9) HBL : House Bill of Lading
10) COO : Certificate of Origin
11) IED : Integrated Export Document
Legend import flow
1) LCL - Lesser than Contaier Load
2) COO - Certificate of Origin
3) FTA - Free Trade Area
4) PIA - Permit issuing Agencies
5) FA - Forwarding Agent
6) SA - Shipping Agent
7) FF- Freight Forwarder
8) CFS- Container Freight Station
9) OBL- Ocean Bill of Lading
10) HBL - House Bill of Lading
11) DO - Delivery Order
12) IID - Integrated Import Document
13) SMK - Sistem Maklumat Kastam
14) CVI - Custom verification Initiative
15) OGA - Other Government Agencies
16) SSR - Special Service Request
17) COR - Custom Official Receipt
Below is Import /Export flow for Dry Bulk Cargo
Legend import flow
1) PIAs - Permit Issuing Authorities
2) FTA - Free Trade Agreement
3) MOF- Ministry of Finance
4) K1 Form - Custom declaration form for import
5) DNT -Dagang Net Technologies (e-service provider)
6) SMK-DNT- Electronic data Interchange system used by Customs for export declaration
7) IID : Integrated Import Document
8) SMK : Sistem Maklumat Kastam
9) LMW - License Manufacturing warehouses
10) EFT - Electronic fund transfer (Applicable to only 8 banks)
Maybank, CIMB, Public Bank, RHB Bank, EON Bank, Alliance Bank,Affin Bank and AmBank
Legend Export Flow
1) PIAs - Permit Issuing Authorities
2) K2 Form - Custom declaration form for export
3) IED - Integrated Export Document
10) EFT - Electronic fund transfer (Applicable to only 8 banks)
Maybank, CIMB, Public Bank, RHB Bank, EON Bank, Alliance Bank,Affin Bank and AmBank